What does Thanksgiving mean to you? The below article inspired me to reflect…

I learned about this holiday when I moved to the US in 1998 slowly it became part of our family practiced holidays. I read a little about the history a few years into it, however, the celebration mostly involved savouring amazing fall season dishes and enjoying a family formal dinner or lunch. 

This year has been challenging in many ways for all of us, and as we get closer to the end of the year and the family celebrations is good to take some time to pause and reflect on why we do the things we do. This year the holidays will be different for most of us, how can we make the best of it?

Perhaps a new way is to connect with meaning and create meaningful connections from the heart. This thanksgiving we invite you to connect with gratitude during this ThanksGiving holiday, we will soon release a 7-day journalling gratitude challenge that we hope helps with this!