Hola, I’m Criss!
My work supports understanding and belonging through science and storytelling through the Greater Good Science Center and my book Pertenæcer©

I was born in Venezuela to Colombian parents. We migrated to the US when I was 15 years old, and I have spent most of my adult life living around the US, LatAm, and Spain. My husband and I currently reside in Dallas. Professionally, I spent over a decade in corporate America working in hispanic television sales, production, and operations. In 2016, after much inner work and reflection, I fully transitioned into a career that allowed me to spread culturally-attuned mindfulness around the world – initially through running AlmaYEspiritu as a volunteer-led organization and later on as a consulting hub. Currently, I serve as the Bridging Differences Program Coordinator at the Greater Good Science Center. Sign up for updates on this work here.
In addition to having a Master’s Degree in Mindfulness Studies from Lesley University, I am a certified facilitator for the renown program Search Inside Yourself, a leadership program developed at Google. I am also a self-published author of “PERTENÆCER: Eight-Week Mindfulness and Meditation Training and Practices for Latinx Immigrants in the United States ©”, and co-author
of “Building a more Diverse and Inclusive Science: Mindfulness-based Approaches for Latinx Individuals,” which was published in the Mindfulness Journal. I am also a Mindfulness Mentor having been trained by the renowned teachers Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield.
In my offline time, I enjoy practicing meditation, reading, traveling, walking in nature, doing yoga, rollerblading, and playing tennis.