You are enough

You are enough

“You are Latinx, Eres poderoso (you are powerful), you ARE enough.” In our course Pertenæcer, we help Latinx immigrants and first gen get in touch with that sense of belonging through love, acceptance and self-compassion. How do you cope with not being Latinx...
Inspiring icons

Inspiring icons

Because we all need to grow up around people and stories who are going to motivate and inspire us. Enjoy this powerful article about inspiring latinas icons. Read the entire article...
Extraordinary people are everywhere

Extraordinary people are everywhere

Don’t allow the impact of the misfortune you see happening lead you to believe that this is all that exists. Extraordinary people are everywhere, recognizing the value and difference between the many men and women out there fighting for an opportunity to shine. With...
Choose hope

Choose hope

The power of hope! What can you be hopeful for today? If things seems difficult today, always remember to have hope for a better tomorrow. Share your comments. Read the entire article...